1. Training, S-P model vs. P-Sch model, the integration of research and practice
* Anxiety clinic, faculty with integrative perspectives, course offering
* Science as a way of thinking; scientific inquiries
* Presenting problem --> Case conceptualization (translation to theoretical statement) --> treatment plans
* Scientist - Practitioner - Leader model -- The LIGER coloring activity (I love it!)
(From Napoleon Dynamite, Liger: Half lion, half tiger. Bred for its skills in magic.)
2. Internship and job placement
* University counseling center, VAMC, other health care setting;
* Hospital setting ~ specialization;
* Salary negotiation - the business aspect of being a psychologist;
* What is the relationship between internship site and the first job setting?
3. Internship application process
4. Balance of career and family
* Being balanced vs. Feel out of sync;
* Expectations & Priorities; Be OK to feel never being able to be caught up.
* Systemic factors; Beyond just being able to say "no."
* The Activity: Broadening Our Vision and Dreams for Our Career
You have just completed your Ph.D. in counseling psychology. As a graduation gift, a long-lost relative gives you $5,000,000. You are entitled to keep all of the money. The only requirement is that you must work. You can do anything you want in your work. What would you want to be doing in your work? What type of setting(s) would you want to be in?
My Response
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