Friday, May 25, 2007

Feeling Words

Common Negative Feeling Words:

More Feeling Words:

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Plans for Friday 5-25-2007

* Get up at 7am

* Plan for the day:

- 9am - 11am case study write-up

- 11am - 12am organize thesis references and send to C. (set up summer working hours)

- 1pm - 3pm international student data template set-up; recruiting E-mails; preliminary data analysis (range, scatterplot, syntax, reverse score, etc.)

- 3pm - 5pm INTUIT data compilation

- Friday cheers?

- Reading for FUN!

Be Mindful

It is probably important and useful for me to be more mindful how I spend my time. How easy it is to squander the time, only to later regret how the time has been wasted, and to fuss about how much I have to get done.

Seeing someone else's blog about the journey to the doctoral education inspired me to create this blog to record my footprints on my journey.

Let's start with today.

It is my summer break. It is so hard to get myself motivated to get things done. Yes, I do deserve some restful time. Yes, I do have projects to be done.

1. START the data analysis of my thesis project and FINISH it.
2. Write up the clinical case study required. ~40hrs.
3. Prepare to teach in the summer.

Today: Let's finish the document needed for the IRB continuing review. You have 1hr20min until the dinner plan with friends. :-)

*** 5:58pm
It worked. There are only a few minor questions I am waiting answers for. :-) Off to dinner!