Saturday, June 30, 2007

Notes from INTUIT Meeting 5/22

To-Do List:
* Data quality check
* NEO data N, separate data set (E & C ~ job search; E, C, & Positive Affect ~ Social relationship; Weinberg)
* Descriptive Statistics, sample size
* Preliminary analysis: pre- vs. post-test

NIH Grant, career development, Minority students do not choose research-oriented careers, such as medical, social, and behavioral sciences. Theory-driven, intervention, empirical research.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Teaching Ideas

* 2 - 3:15pm for experiential activities

- Video clips
- Demonstration
- Role plays
- Technique presentation (5min + 10min questions & discussion)
- Discussion on readings in Their Finest Hour (Reaction Papers?)

* Thursday class - review structured as games (e.g., Jeopardy)
- 50% ind. score & 50% grp. score

Data Analysis Tasks

* Outliers (plot)
* Scale Analysis
* Correlation

* Descriptives, range
* Initial Analysis - bivariate correlation
* Scales & subscales - >=85%
* Scale reliability, alpha > 0.7
* Response set
* Psychometric quality

* Help files

Friday, June 8, 2007

Clinical Reflections

As I revisited the words in Momma and the Meaning of Life, I realized that there were so many things I could have done differently with J. For example, I could have asked, "What feelings did you take home after the last session?" instead of asking (or "accusing/scolding") about his behavior of asking personal questions. Now I can honestly acknowledge how irritated I was at the time by him. Yet, I was "graveled" as he pointed out. It is unpleasant, uncomfortable, humbling, scary, ... to come to such a realization. Will I ever make a good therapist? Did I help or did I do more disservice, damage, and harm? Enactment with examination and correction. How I need wisdom, insight, self-understanding, ... courage to face the weakness and own it, at the same time, motivation to learn, sponge-like absorption, intentional organization, digestion, and internalization, confidence and strength to persevere!

It is also surprising that how my feelings and assumptions color and shape what I receive, for example, my strong reactions to J.'s intake report, H.'s treatment goal setting. It is shocking to realize how selective and biased my attention and reactions can be. In one case, there was an exaggerating and amplifying effect. For the other, I literally blocked some information off! Be aware. Keep your feelings in check. Think of cucumber to stay cool. :-)

I wonder if this has something to do with my avoidance to start my case study write-up. Fears - what if I did not meet the requirement. I surely have made some mistakes. I guess the question is, if I did pay attention to H.'s stated goal during the intake, how I would have done the therapy differently. To be honest, I am not sure. ...

I will come back to it.

Friday 6/8/2007

It has been two weeks since my last entry. Time surely flies. I have been doing a little better at getting myself motivated. At the same time, much more discipline is still needed.

Today is a milestone of some sort. Finally, I am finished with the data entry stage of the domestic student data. All the data (N = 267) has been enter. A random sample of 32 data sets was selected to check the data quality. Only 11 errors were found. The error rate is 0.19% (11/32*182), which means that the accuracy is 99.8%. I think that's PRETTY good!

C44 CFI74 3 --> 2; BAPC13 1 --> 2;
C59 BFF30 5 --> 4;
C97 VCU Stay 9 months (omission);
D10 BFF13 6 --> 5;
D15 BFF28 3 --> 5;
D19 BFF11 5 --> 4;
D44 BAPC11 21 --> 2;
D91 CFI16 3 --> 4;
D93 CFI28 3 --> 2; CFI29 2 --> 3

Now finally I am ready for the data analysis. Looking forward to it!